Welcome to Hildegardis-School Hagen


We are a Catholic private secondary school located close to the city centre of Hagen. About 820 pupils between 10 and 19 years (grades 5 to 13) attend the school with the aim of graduating after grade 13.

According to our school patron Hildegard of Bingen, our pedagogical purpose is to promote our pupils‘ individuality and encourage them to find their own way through life. Teachers not only want to transfer knowledge and competence but we want to support each pupil according to their talents and inspire the young people to develop their own personality.

Being a Catholic school, Christian faith is the basis which guides us in our decisions and actions. We offer not only religious education and services, but also guidance that helps our pupils to find their way. Encouraging an awareness of social responsibilty is an important objective of our education that our pupils can learn, for example, by being mentors for young pupils, working in the student council or as mediators.

Apart from the traditional subjects in the fields of languages (German, English, French, Latin, Spanish, Italian), sciences (maths, physics, chemistry, biology), social sciences (geography, politics, educational science, history, philosphy, religious education), art, music and sports, our school offers a lot of extracurricular activities in order to educate the the students in their entirety.

Asked what is so special about our “Hilde“, pupils and parents praise the exceptional and positive atmosphere of the school, an environment that supports joy of learning.